An online course which gives you the practical solutions to transform your horse's movement.
Client Experiences
“Jo has a very tall young gelding called Kenny, who stated showing signs of discomfort under saddle. Despite having tried numerous inhand exercises, Jo wasn't getting anywhere and Kenny's behaviour was getting worse. The exercises from Heal your horse catapulted Kenny's posture and Jo noticed an improvement in his stance and stability in just 10 days. ”
Jo Harris“The testing exercises from HYH helped identify an old injury to Millie's left pectoral. Consistent routine activation exercises and stretches gave Liana the tools to support Millie's body with specific exercises from the ground which strengthened her shoulder girdle and core engagement. The reality of a situation like this is all about management and having the correct tools to support and strengthen the rest of the body so that Millie can comfortably continue to do her training and also progress in her training, comfortably and pain-free. ”
Liana Upton“Viking had been suffering with intermittent stiffness through the hind quarters and had uneven foot balance in front, causing him pain and discomfort when walking in and out of the stables, especially on undulating surfaces. First port of call was to have intervention from a respected and trusted Farrier to help with the foot balance. The exercises from HYH were performed two days per week consistently every week. Kelly noticed that Viking was more comfortable in his body, he was taking larger strides and was more comfortable through his hindquarters. The Magic 10 exercises gave Viking the confidence to trust and use his body, which supported the Farrier intervention and also help strengthen his posture. ”
Kelly & Viking“Gem is a young horse that was pushed quite early on in her career. The testing exercises from Heal your horse helped Tracey identify an injury to Gem's right shoulder that had previously been missed. Her farrier at the time commented that Gem would always have one foot smaller than the other in front, which we now assume was due to the injury to the right shoulder. Consistent intervention with Magic Ten exercises from heal your horse, did something that no one thought was possible. One year since the intervention from Heal Your Horse Gem has a symmetrical pair of the front feet!! The exercises from HYH supported Gem's asymmetrical body and over time gave her the confidence to start to utilise the muscles from the old injury to her shoulder. Because the exercises are low load, therefore not putting extra strain and pressure on joints to her body, over time Gem developed confidence to use her right shoulder as much as her left. From a body perspective, this meant that she started loading through her front feet equally, resulting in an equal pair of front feet!”
Tracey & Gem“Tiny is a 22 year old gentle giant! Sarah noticed that he was struggling with his overall strength and movements which he had previously found easy were more difficult. Despite having regular intervention from a therapist, Tiny's body was not posturally strong enough to hold the adjustments. Exercises from the Magic 10 were introduced into Tiny's weekly training plan consistently for 6 weeks. Sarah monitored his posture carefully and noted that he was not only standing better, but he felt stronger and stronger. ”
Sarah & Tiny“Liz has been on a roller coaster journey with her beautiful gelding Elvis. Before she was introduced to the exercises from Heal Your Horse, Elvis just did not feel right to her. She knew something was wrong, but could not pinpoint the problem, depsite regular therapist intervention. The testing exericses guided Liz through the process of identifying the areas in Elvis's body that were stuck and causing him further problems under saddle. Further intervention from lameness Vet, diagnosed and treated Elvis's entire body, confirming that there were multiple areas of joint dysfunction. No surgery was required, however a clear and structed intervention plan was needed to support Elvis's body throughout his life. Heal Your Horse gave Liz the exercises she needed to support the intervention from the Vet. When you have multiple diagnosed areas there is an entire list of compensations happening through the body and Liz could still feel this under saddle. The goal from HYH was to support and teach Elvis to use his entire body without overloading asymmetrically. Over time Liz and Elvis returned back to what they both love, eventing! The rehabilitation road is full of ups and downs and can leave you as the owner feeling frustrated and worried. HYH gives you the clarity and confidence to deal with the unpredictable journey of rehabilitation. ”
Liz & ElvisWhat is Heal Your Horse?
How does Heal Your Horse work?
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao-Tzu
Heal Your Horse is for horse owners and riders who want to understand and enhance their horse's performance and quality of life. This course will equipe you with a skill set to not only give you the answers you have been searching for, but also give you the confidence to work with your horse and develop an unbreakable partnership. Heal Your Horse was made for you.